Parkway Breeze

 Time for something new again! This packet of track comes from Denver based producer Vyblossom, wrapped under the title "Parkway Breeze". It is an EP containing a total of 4 track, incl. the title track which is the one we will showcase here today. This piece reminds me of early 1990's house music. Personally I am reminded of acts like Mr. Fingers, Todd Terje, 808 State and more in that range. If those names don't ring a bell to you, make sure to do a Google search to discover some of the acts that pioneered the electronic dance music space. The EP shows a wide range of styles, but the overall theme remains and it is characterised by the use of organic sound elements in combination with intriguing beat structures and delightful synth patterns. "Parkway Breeze" is an absolute vibe and although this might not be your contemporary mainstream EDM, it's a delightful side-quest that you can take up to clear your mind and reset. Out now via Simic Records, dive right in below: 

Follow Vyblossom on social media: INSTAGRAM // X // BANDCAMP // 


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