There's good reason to be excited when U.S. based producer Amtrac drops a new tune. His characteristic oldschool house sound is always incredible captivating and fresh sounding. This new one is called "Companions" and brings the listener plenty of sweet sweet bass, nicely mixed together with some spacey and atmospheric sounds that make this track sound out of this world. Think early 90's house, mixed with 80's synths and a hint of acid house...if that doesn't sound like a party, I don't know what does. What's also worth's a +7 minute track for once! Halleluja! <3 nbsp="" p="">
Stream via SPOTIFY
Follow Amtrac on social media: FACEBOOK // TWITTER // INSTAGRAM
Out now on Amtrac's own label Openers, "Companions" is out now. Check the link below or just hit the play button right here. Enjoy!
Stream via SPOTIFY
Follow Amtrac on social media: FACEBOOK // TWITTER // INSTAGRAM
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